
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Overview for Sus scrofa (Pig)

Sus scrofa (pig) is of major interest in agriculture, mainly for the production of pork. Besides its relevance in agriculture, it is considered to be an important model organism for health research due to its similarity to humans. Like humans, they are omnivores and hence have a similar digestive physiology. Furthermore parallels to the human species exist in renal function, vascular structure, and respiratory rates.
The size of its haploid genome is estimated to be 2,800 Mb. It is organized in 18 autosomes and two sex chromosomes (X and Y). In agReg-SNPdb, we store 20,267 genes and 58,145,647 SNPs.

Ensembl Assembly (Sscrofa11.1)


(Last updated on 21.05.2021)

Number of chromosomes 21
Number of genes 20,267
Number of SNPs 58,145,647

Click on a chromosome to download the data stored in agReg-SNPdb for the complete chromosome

Chromosome Number of SNPs Number of Genes
1 5,782,852 1768
2 3,738,977 1968
3 3,380,094 1310
4 3,389,894 1085
5 2,641,271 1078
6 3,708,146 2069
7 3,255,113 1315
8 3,499,834 724
9 3,694,149 1183
10 2,344,833 414
11 2,332,975 363
12 1,699,922 1078
13 4,504,441 1404
14 3,546,111 1237
15 3,319,708 853
16 2,229,837 398
17 1,856,160 629
18 1,664,449 431
X 1,537,037 863
Y 19,511 84
MT 333 13

Distribution of rSNPs relative to the TSS

SNP distance to TSS pig