
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Overview for Equus caballus ferus (Horse)

The domestic horse, Equus caballus, is of economic relevance throughout the world because of its importance in sports and farming industries. It is used for transportation, work and entertainment and it is a model organism for biomechanics and exercise physiology. The genome consists out of 31 autosomes and two sex chromosomes, of which only the X chromosome has been analyzed. In agReg-SNPdb, we store 20,499 genes and 20,331,427 SNPs.

Ensembl Assembly (EquCab3.0)


(Last updated on 21.05.2021)

Number of chromosomes 32
Number of genes 20,499
Number of SNPs 20,331,427

Click on a chromosome to download the data stored in agReg-SNPdb for the complete chromosome

Chromosome Number of SNPs Number of Genes
1 1,544,875 1642
2 1,020,297 1056
3 1,001,064 853
4 942,566 721
5 786,577 980
6 719,565 962
7 800,959 1352
8 820,628 738
9 693,005 431
10 734,032 1101
11 465,420 1107
12 406,039 722
13 402,818 684
14 756,889 671
15 763,318 635
16 718,859 695
17 715,934 333
18 719,427 390
19 560,427 410
20 735,127 706
21 520,621 373
22 421,382 544
23 459,528 290
24 409,733 432
25 330,830 540
26 419,715 223
27 393,279 221
28 400,844 378
29 332,437 165
30 299,305 183
31 238,495 148
X 797,432 813

Distribution of rSNPs relative to the TSS

SNP distance to TSS horse