
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Overview for Capra aegagrus hircus (Goat)

The goat, Capra hircus, is one of the oldest domesticated species and has been of interest for humans for their milk, meat, hair, and skin. Due to its long history of domestication, there exist many different breeds with phenotypic variation. It is closely related to the domestic sheep (Ovis aries). The goat genome is organized in 29 autosomes and two sex chromosome, of which only the X chromosome has been analyzed. In agReg-SNPdb, we store 19,658 genes and 31,331,447 SNPs.

Ensembl Assembly (ARS1)


(Last updated on 21.05.2021)

Number of chromosomes 29
Number of genes 19,658
Number of SNPs 31,331,447

Click on a chromosome to download the data stored in agReg-SNPdb for the complete chromosome

Chromosome Number of SNPs Number of Genes
1 2,105,343 839
2 1,755,623 858
3 1,442,247 1201
4 1,514,057 722
5 1,402,372 1139
6 1,591,070 582
7 1,333,733 1157
8 1,434,109 684
9 1,181,953 466
10 1,231,474 866
11 1,292,413 911
12 1,117,245 331
13 1,003,856 734
14 1,231,519 452
15 1,076,016 870
16 1,018,852 598
17 929,746 498
18 720,094 1133
19 753,657 1156
20 1,012,020 312
21 873,141 505
22 727,820 515
23 638,572 665
24 855,172 290
25 520,211 685
26 671,339 376
27 615,044 222
28 626,878 284
29 655,871 607

Distribution of rSNPs relative to the TSS

SNP distance to TSS goat