
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Overview for Canis lupus familiaris (Dog)

The dog, Canis lupus familiaris, is of particular interest for animal breeding because of its importance for the human as pet. A lot of phenotypically heterogenous breeds have been derived from few founders and they have been inbred for years leading to a high homogenity within breeds. For this reason, the dog is considered as an important model organism for research on genetic diversity and morphological variation within the species. The haploid genome is estimated to be 2445 Mb. The diploid genome consists out of 38 pairs of autosomes and two sex chromosomes, of which only the X chromsosome has been analyzed. In agReg-SNPdb, we store 19,960 genes and 4,725,021 SNPs.

Ensembl Assembly (CanFam3.1)


(Last updated on 21.05.2021)

Number of chromosomes 39
Number of genes 19,960
Number of SNPs 4,725,021

Click on a chromosome to download the data stored in agReg-SNPdb for the complete chromosome

Chromosome Number of SNPs Number of Genes
1 231,637 1243
2 167,525 758
3 185,058 496
4 163,191 551
5 189,687 1013
6 162,200 860
7 149,369 648
8 146,545 676
9 136,539 1107
10 137,000 643
11 129,750 572
12 138,634 579
13 133,732 366
14 106,923 379
15 122,024 501
16 142,511 430
17 134,055 614
18 130,641 745
19 109,059 196
20 114,935 932
21 115,281 540
22 111,794 233
23 110,816 327
24 116,872 521
25 119,609 419
26 113,158 498
27 103,264 519
28 100,098 367
29 83,744 201
30 89,659 398
31 96,513 229
32 80,614 232
33 69,433 230
34 104,796 227
35 73,639 234
36 61,102 169
37 72,681 223
38 65,123 210
X 105,810 874

Distribution of rSNPs relative to the TSS

SNP distance to TSS dog