
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Overview for Bos taurus (Cattle)

Bos taurus (cattle, cow) is the domesticated form of the Eurasian aurochs and is considered one of the most important animals in agriculture. It is used for meat, milk, and leather production and there exists a variety of different breeds.
The bovine genome is organized in 29 autosomes and two sex chromosomes (X and Y), of which only the X chromosome has been assembled in the ARS-UCD1.2 assembly due to its origin from females. It is estimated to have a size of 3,000 Mb. In agReg-SNPdb, we store 21,656 genes and 88,109,946 SNPs.

Ensembl Assembly (ARS-UCD1.2)


(Last updated on 21.05.2021)

Number of chromosomes 31
Number of genes 21,656
Number of SNPs 88,109,946

Click on a chromosome to download the data stored in agReg-SNPdb for the complete chromosome

Chromosome Number of SNPs Number of Genes
1 4,933,287 876
2 4,352,337 889
3 4,118,366 1227
4 3,864,558 723
5 4,113,415 1210
6 3,673,967 592
7 3,868,673 1259
8 3,540,872 699
9 3,183,897 495
10 3,443,696 951
11 3,697,515 962
12 2,881,605 364
13 2,991,259 764
14 2,641,495 458
15 2,988,582 986
16 2,855,149 637
17 2,608,641 589
18 2,738,706 1219
19 2,660,237 1204
20 2,448,958 334
21 2,460,712 508
22 2,218,113 544
23 2,149,373 708
24 2,116,659 292
25 1,859,265 708
26 1,826,430 398
27 1,562,606 250
28 1,671,090 297
29 2,072,643 656
X 2,566,693 844
MT 1147 13

Distribution of rSNPs relative to the TSS

SNP distance to TSS cattle